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10 days and counting

Well it has been 10 days since Ryder’s surgery and I can honestly say so far so good. He is doing better then even the doctor’s have expected him too. In fact yesterday Megan(11 year old daughter) was sitting on the couch with Ryder’s teddy bear when he decided he wanted it. He walked over grabbed a hold of it and was going to take it Megan knew he shouldn’t be playing so didn’t give it up. Well Ryder was not taking no for an answer and they began a tug o war struggle. Megan had a very tight grip on it and Ryder gave one tug and pulled so hard he pulled Megan completely off the couch. Yup I would say he is doing VERY well. We have been more fortunate then others in the way that we have not had any bad nights and he has not “crashed” since been home from surgery. From my understandings this is more then likely due to two things. One being that he is a puppy and they bounce back fairly quickly plus he was getting around on three legs just fine for the 12 hrs before surgery. Second is because when he had his amp done they were able to leave his shoulder, which is a way more easier procedure for the dog to go through. Now yesterday he had no pain pills during the daytime that’s how well he was doing but I did give him one at night for fear he may have overdone it. He probably didn’t need it but gave it to him anyway and he immediately calmed down, which he is supposed to be anyway. Really, have you ever tried to keep a puppy calm it is like a loosing battle lol he has more energy now then before the surgery if that’s even possible. For now I’m starting to think maybe he needs the pain pills to help him settle down until he gets his stitches out, but I must say it is so nice to see him back to his old playful self again. For now we will just take it day to day and do as the vet recommends and hope the next 10 days go just as well as the first.

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